Workshop “Intelligent, Secure, Efficient Cyber-Physical Systems on Heterogeneous System on Chips”

Workshop “Intelligent, Secure, Efficient Cyber-Physical Systems on Heterogeneous System on Chips”

Industrial Systems Institute, Athena Research Center (ISI), CPSoSaware project coordinator, attended, on behalf of the CPSoSaware consortium, the 29th – IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, that took place during 4-8 October 2021, organised by Nanyang Technological University Center, Singapore. The theme of the conference was about “Intelligent and Secure Edge Computing”.

ISI, organised a Special Session entitled “Intelligent, Secure, Efficient Cyber-Physical Systems on Heterogeneous System on Chips”. The special session provided insight in one of the latest trend of System on Chip design, which is the SoCs heterogeneity. Latest SoCs, provide CPUs, GPUs as well as FPGA fabrics within the SoC structure and this opens the potentials for a broad range of intelligent and secure applications that can be implemented in a highly efficient manner.

The session consisted of three talks:

– Talk 1: Accelerating 3D scene analysis for autonomous driving on embedded AI, computing platforms (Speaker: Nousias Stavros, University of Patras)

– Talk 2: High-Level Synthesis design approach for Number-Theoretic Transform Implementations (Speaker: Alexander El-Kandy, University of Patras)

– Talk 3: Challenges Towards Hardware Acceleration of the Deformable Shape Tracking Application (Speaker: Georgios Keramidas, University of Thessaloniki)

You may find more information about this event at

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