8th Plenary Meeting

8th Plenary Meeting

The 8th CPSoSaware Plenary Meeting took place on the 28th and 29th of June, in a hybrid form, physically hosted in the offices of project coordinator ISI-ATHENA in Athens, Greece. A lot of partners met physically, but for those still having restrictions for travelling, a virtual connection was available.

As the project enters its final semester of implementation, this Plenary meeting was of great importance, since the main topic of discussion was the planning of CPSoSaware pilot demonstrations. Two major pilot demonstrations will take place during autumn 2022, presenting a variety of scenarios for each one, as they have been thoroughly designed earlier in the project. The Manufacturing Pillar demonstration will be deployed in the premises of CRF in Italy, and the Automotive Pillar will be deployed in the premises of PANASONIC in Germany.

Additionally, the partners had the chance to see the status of technical implementation and validation activities. A lot of important deliverables are being prepared and interesting results will be available in the future months. Finally, focus has been placed in the activities related to dissemination and exploitation of project results – activities that will intensify as more results and outcomes are made available through project’s implementation.

Stay tuned for our exciting updates!

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