Press Release: CPSoSaware trials for Automotive and Manufacturing pillars

Press Release: CPSoSaware trials for Automotive and Manufacturing pillars

In the framework of EU funded Project CPSoSaware, pilot trials for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems (CPSoS) demonstrations are going to take place during the 4th quarter of 2022. The trials will be realised in two pillars: Automotive, for semi-autonomous cars and Manufacturing, for Human-Robot Collaboration, putting into the test, in the field, the components developed during the implementation phase of the project.

The Manufacturing pilot demonstration is led by project partner Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF) and will take place in Orbassano, Italy, on 23 November 2022. CRF will provide a work-cell environment where there is an assembly line with a robotic entity which is supported by human operators.

The Automotive pilot demonstration is led by project partner Panasonic Automotive (PASEU) and will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, on 13 December 2022. Semi-autonomous cars will be used that will integrate the functionalities of the CPSoSaware system.

Read the full Press Release here below, in English and Greek.

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